Betamotor S.p.A is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer, founded in Florence in 1905 and specialized in the production and sale of off-road, cross, enduro and trial motorcycles. It is precisely in this last specialty that the company is internationally recognized as a market leader, also thanks to the 13 titles won at the world championships.

The constant growth of the company, not only in terms of size, but also in terms of strengthening its presence on the international market, led Betamotor to decide to invest in the complete renewal of its technological and information platform in order to obtain, from them, the support it needed.

The collaboration between Alfa Sistemi and Betamotor thus began in 2016, when, following a software selection, the project for the implementation of the company’s new ERP system, Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne, was launched. The project involved the simultaneous creation of a Business Analytics solution, also Oracle, with the aim of allowing the company management to benefit from a set of reports and functional dashboards to have under control, in a clear way, the company’s performance according to its reference KPIs.

The project, which lasted a total of 13 months, was divided into two distinct phases, according to a model consolidated in the Alfa Sistemi methodology:

  • Preliminary assessment of strategic business processes aimed at mapping the “as is” and designing the “model to be”. This phase brings with it a twofold benefit: in addition to the more immediate benefit of enabling Alfa Sistemi to understand how the Client company works, with all its own peculiarities and those of the sector it belongs to, at the same time it has encouraged familiarization and knowledge among the members of the “extended” Client – Supplier working group, facilitating future collaboration during the project phase.
  • Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne ERP system implementation project. The Betamotor ERP system covers in an integrated way the entire range of business processes, from the Administrative – Accounting world to the Supply Chain area, i.e. production, warehouse management (both finished product and spare parts) and shipping. All this taking into account the specific regulatory requirements of the automotive sector of reference.
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 6 Oracle JDE Consultants
  • 3 Technical Consultants
  • 1 System Analyst (CNC)
  • 1 Oracle Business Intelligence Specialist
  • Provide the Customer with a unique and integrated corporate information system, able to manage, in a homogeneous and consistent way, the data coming from its different departments, minimizing the possibility of errors due to redundant and manually managed data.
  • Monitoring the production trend: the assembly lines have been equipped with Smart PC in order to allow the declaration of production activities in real time.
  • Maximize efficiency in the management of the two warehouses, one dedicated to vehicles and the other to spare parts, therefore characterized by two very different operations. In the first case, the shipping process has been completely revolutionized by introducing palmtops for scanning products by reading barcodes, while in the warehouse dedicated to spare parts, already equipped with palmtops, work has been done to manage the packaging phase.
  • Improve the performance of the shipping process, also thanks to a set of functional integration flows to facilitate the exchange of information with shippers.
  • Implement, in a way closely related to the ERP system, a Business Intelligence solution functional to allow the Management to monitor the company performance according to its KPIs of reference.

To provide the customer with a modern and fluid management system, able to meet the real needs of a rapidly growing company, balancing between the accuracy of an international ERP system and the flexibility of a rapidly expanding company.



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